Shellminator V3.0.1
Simple Terminal
No Matches
Example 208 Commander Colorizer

Table of Contents

Modern terminals come with a super useful feature that helps guide your eyes while typing or debugging—colorization! Since we find this feature incredibly helpful, we designed Shellminator in a way that allows you to easily attach different colorization solutions to it.

The easiest way to try this out is by enabling our pre-made colorizer, which is compatible with Commander-style syntax. To do this, simply create an instance of the CommanderColorizer object like this:

Simple colorizer for Commander-API like syntax.

Next, you need to tell your shell object to use this colorizer whenever you type a character. You can do that with the attachColorizer method:

shell.attachColorizer( &colorizer );

And that’s it! Now, try typing this command in the demo below:

--help -t "text" $VERSION

This command doesn’t do anything particularly useful, but you’ll notice that your input is nicely colorized as you type. The colorizer also helps catch syntax errors! For example, try typing:

-- help

Oops! The colorizer highlights this mistake with a red background because spaces are not allowed after --.

Live Demo

Whole Code

* Created on Aug 10 2020
* Copyright (c) 2023 - Daniel Hajnal
* This file is part of the Shellminator project.
* Modified 2023.05.13
#include "Shellminator.hpp"
#include "Commander-API.hpp"
#include "Commander-Arguments.hpp"
// We have to create an object from Commander class.
Commander commander;
// Create a colorizer object.
bool echo_func( char *args, CommandCaller* caller );
Commander::systemCommand_t API_tree[] = {
systemCommand( "echo", "Simple echo command.", echo_func )
// These will be the system variables.
char* VERSION = (char*)"V1.0.2a"; // Simple firmware version string.
int MILLIS = 0; // It will store the milliseconds since boot.
float BATTERY = 100.0; // It will store the battery percentage.
// Create system variable tree.
Commander::systemVariable_t System_variables[] = {
// MILLIS variable is an int.
systemVariableInt( MILLIS ),
// VERSION variable is a string
systemVariableString( VERSION ),
// BATTERY variable is a float
systemVariableFloat( BATTERY )
// Create a ShellminatorCommanderInterface object, and initialize it to use Serial
// System init section.
void setup(){
// Clear the terminal
commander.attachDebugChannel( &Serial );
commander.attachTree( API_tree );
// Attach system variables to the commander object.
commander.attachVariables( System_variables );
shell.attachCommander( &commander );
// Attach the colorizer to the shell.
shell.attachColorizer( &colorizer );
// Initialize shell object.
shell.begin( "arnold" );
// Infinite loop.
void loop(){
// Calculate milliseconds since start.
MILLIS = millis();
// Fictive battery calculation. Just to make it change over time.
BATTERY = ( MILLIS % 1000 ) / 10.0;
// Process the new data.
bool echo_func(char *args, CommandCaller* caller ){
char textBuffer[ 30 ];
// The text argument is required to parse system variables.
Argument text( args, 0 );
// Try to parse string or system variables
if( text.parseString( textBuffer ) ){
caller -> println( textBuffer );
return true;
// If parsing failes, just print out the args.
caller -> println( args );
return true;

Everyone has different tastes, and maybe these colors don’t quite fit your preferences. That’s totally fine—everyone sees things differently! But this raises an interesting question: Can we create our own custom colorizer?

The answer is yes, of course! However, we should mention upfront that if you're new to C++, this challenge might not be the smoothest ride. But don’t worry—we’ll leave you with some tips and guidance to help you along the way.

Every Colorizer is built upon the base class DefaultColorizer. To create your own custom colorizer, you’ll need to inherit from this base class—just like we did with CommanderColorizer.

If you want to see how it works, feel free to check out the source code in Shellminator-Commander-Interface.hpp, where you’ll find its full implementation.