Getting Started with Flags in Command-Line Arguments
In this example, we’ll explore flags —a special type of command-line argument. Flags are position-independent and don’t require a value. At first, this might seem a little strange, but not all arguments need to have an associated value. Sometimes, simply including the flag in the command is enough to change how the program behaves.
A great example of this is the cowsay command in Linux, which is actually a fun little easter egg! We’ll be implementing a simplified version of it to see flags in action.
What Should Our cowsay Command Do?
The cowsay
command is quite flexible. Here’s how it works:
- If no arguments are provided, it simply prints a cow saying booo.
- If the user provides a text argument, the cow will say that instead.
- Additionally, we can change the eyes of the cow using flags:
or -t
→ gives the cow tired eyes.
or -w
→ makes the cow wink.
or -g
→ gives the cow money-shaped eyes.
Implementing the Argument Handling
We won’t dive into the graphics rendering here—you can check the full implementation below. Instead, let’s focus on how we handle command-line arguments using flag detection.
First, we define our arguments:
Argument text(args, 0);
Argument tired_flag(args, 't', "tired");
Argument wink_flag(args, 'w', "wink");
Argument greedy_flag(args, 'g', "greedy");
For flags, the only thing that matters is **whether they are present or not**—we don’t parse values for them, we just check if they exist. That’s why we use the find()
When we need to determine which flag was provided, we use the isFound()
method. Since multiple flags can be given at once, we should establish a priority order to avoid unpredictable behavior. In our case, the priority (from highest to lowest) is:
- Tired (
- Wink (
- Greedy (
- Default (normal eyes, if no flag is given)
Now, let’s apply this logic in our implementation:
if (tired_flag.isFound()) {
else if (wink_flag.isFound()) {
else if (greedy_flag.isFound()) {
else {
Flags are a simple yet powerful way to modify a program’s behavior without requiring additional values. In this example, we used them to change our cow’s eye expression dynamically.
Live Demo
Here are a few suggested commands you might want to try in the demo above:
cowsay "hello bello" --tired
→ Displays "hello bello" with tired eyes.
cowsay --tired --wink
→ Shows the default text with tired eyes (not winking), since the tired
flag has higher priority.
cowsay --wink --tired
→ Same as the previous one, proving that flag order doesn’t matter.
cowsay -g
→ Displays the cow with money-shaped eyes.
cowsay 10
→ The text will be "10" because the first argument is treated as a string, not a number.
cowsay 10.5
→ Same as above, but with a decimal number.
→ Runs with the default behavior.
Whole Code
#include "Commander-API.hpp"
#include "Commander-Arguments.hpp"
const char* cow_top = " \\ ^__^\r\n \\ ";
const char* cow_bottom = "\\_______\r\n (__)\\ )\\/\\\r\n ||----w |\r\n || ||\r\n";
const char* default_eyes = "(oo)";
const char* tired_eyes = "(--)";
const char* wink_eyes = "(-O)";
const char* greedy_eyes = "($$)";
Commander commander;
bool cowsay_func( char *args, CommandCaller* caller );
Commander::systemCommand_t API_tree[] = {
systemCommand( "cowsay", "Like the Linux command. Just give it a string.\r\n\tflags: --greedy\r\n\t --tired", cowsay_func )
void setup(){
commander.attachDebugChannel( &Serial );
commander.attachTree( API_tree );
shell.attachCommander( &commander );
shell.begin( "arnold" );
void loop(){
bool cowsay_func(char *args, CommandCaller* caller ){
char textBuffer[ 30 ];
int i;
Argument text( args, 0 );
Argument tired_flag( args, 't', "tired" );
Argument wink_flag( args, 'w', "wink" );
Argument greedy_flag( args, 'g', "greedy" );
caller -> print( "< " );
if( text.parseString( textBuffer ) ){
caller -> print( textBuffer );
caller -> println( " >" );
caller -> print( ' ' );
for( i = strlen( textBuffer ) + 2; i > 0 ; i-- ){
caller -> print( '-' );
caller -> print( "booo >\r\n ------" );
caller -> println();
caller -> print( cow_top );
if( tired_flag.isFound() ){
caller -> print( tired_eyes );
else if( wink_flag.isFound() ){
caller -> print( wink_eyes );
else if( greedy_flag.isFound() ){
caller -> print( greedy_eyes );
caller -> print( default_eyes );
caller -> print( cow_bottom );
return true;