Shellminator V3.0.1
Simple Terminal
No Matches
Example 203 Commander Argument Types

In the previous example, we mentioned that aside from int, there are also float and string(char*) argument types.

  • The float type works just like int—nothing complicated there.
  • The string type, however, requires a little extra care because we need a buffer to store the parsed text.

Here’s how to handle it:

// This buffer will hold the content of the string argument.
char stringBuffer[30];
// Create a positional argument.
Argument stringArg(args, 0);
// Check if the argument was parsed correctly.
// If not, it may indicate that the buffer is too small.
if (!stringArg.parseString(stringBuffer)) {
caller->print("Argument error! A string is required!");
return false;

If parseString() returns true, that means:

  • The argument was successfully parsed.
  • The string fits in the buffer.

If it fails, the buffer might be too small, or the provided argument isn't a valid string.

This approach ensures that string arguments are safely stored and processed!

Live Demo

Quick Tip for Using String Arguments

Here’s a quick tip for handling string arguments as a user:

If you try the command:

upper hello

The result will be:


But if you run:

upper hello bello

You’ll still get:


Why? Because by default, command-line arguments are separated by spaces.

If your string contains spaces, you need to enclose it in quotation marks, just like in the C programming language.

For example:

upper "hello bello"

This will correctly return:


This small trick helps ensure your full string argument is passed correctly!

Whole Code

* Created on Aug 10 2020
* Copyright (c) 2023 - Daniel Hajnal
* This file is part of the Shellminator project.
* Modified 2023.05.13
#include "Shellminator.hpp"
#include "Commander-API.hpp"
#include "Commander-Arguments.hpp"
// We have to create an object from Commander class.
Commander commander;
bool upper_func( char *args, CommandCaller* caller );
bool area_func( char *args, CommandCaller* caller );
Commander::systemCommand_t API_tree[] = {
systemCommand( "upper", "Replaces all characters in a string to upper-case.", upper_func ),
systemCommand( "area", "Calculates the volume of two float numbers", area_func ),
// Create a ShellminatorCommanderInterface object, and initialize it to use Serial
// System init section.
void setup(){
// Clear the terminal
commander.attachDebugChannel( &Serial );
commander.attachTree( API_tree );
shell.attachCommander( &commander );
// Initialize shell object.
shell.begin( "arnold" );
// Infinite loop.
void loop(){
// Process the new data.
bool upper_func(char *args, CommandCaller* caller ){
// In case of a string argument, a buffer is needed.
// This buffer will store the the extracted string.
char stringBuffer[ 30 ];
int i;
// Create a positional argument.
Argument stringArg( args, 0 );
if( !stringArg.parseString( stringBuffer ) ){
caller -> print( "Argument error! A string is required!" );
return false;
for( i = 0; i < strlen( stringBuffer ); i++ ){
stringBuffer[ i ] = toupper( stringBuffer[ i ] );
caller -> print( "Upper case string: " );
caller -> println( stringBuffer );
return true;
bool area_func(char *args, CommandCaller* caller ){
float area;
Argument a( args, 0 );
Argument b( args, 1 );
if( !( a.parseFloat() && b.parseFloat() ) ){
caller -> print( "Argument error! Two float numbers are required, separated with a blank space.\r\n" );
return false;
// Calculate the area.
area = (float)a * (float)b;
// Print out the result.
caller -> print( (float)a );
caller -> print( " * " );
caller -> print( (float)b );
caller -> print( " = " );
caller -> println( area );
return true;