Shellminator V3.0.1
Simple Terminal
No Matches
Example 009 Beeeeep

Table of Contents

Some people hate it when the terminal beeps, others find it useful, and there’s even a small group of users who find it oddly soothing.

Live Demo

Of course, the choice is entirely up to you, but we provide the option to enable your terminal to make a beep sound if you ever need it. In this example, we’ve made a small change to the Command Callback Example by adding a call to the beep() function at the end of the execution_function.

Whole Code

* Created on June 8 2024
* Copyright (c) 2023 - Daniel Hajnal
* This file is part of the Shellminator project.
* Modified 2023.05.13
#include "Shellminator.hpp"
int beep_counter = 0;
// Create a Shellminator object, and initialize it to use Serial
Shellminator shell( &Serial );
// Create a function, that can be called every time when a command gets entered.
void execution_function( char* command, Shellminator* caller ){
if( beep_counter >= 3 ){
caller -> channel -> println( "It was enough beeping for today..." );
caller -> channel -> println( "Beeeep!" );
caller -> beep();
// System init section.
void setup(){
// Clear the terminal
Serial.println( "It will only work, when you type something into the prompt." );
// Attach the execution function to the shell object.
shell.attachExecFunc( execution_function );
// Initialize shell object.
shell.begin( "arnold" );
// Infinite loop.
void loop(){
// Process the new data.
Shellminator object.

Of course, you can globally disable this feature within the terminal object, so even if the beep() function is called, it won’t produce any sound. All you need to do in this case is set the shell.mute variable to true.

shell.mute = true;